Hello again,
"Gotong Royong"...
What is the best word that we could translate it in English. As for Malaysians, the word itself has been generally accepted as an English words like
"durian' and 'rambutan'. So there is no exact words that can substitute it. It means doing a cooperative job with more than one person in
It may be a bit similar to the 'Bayanihan' in Philippines, 'Meitheal' in Irish culture or 'Talkoot' in Finland.
Heard that it is known as 'barn raising' in English too but it is somehow restricted to farming community. It is a collective action of a community, in which a barn for one of the members is built or rebuilt collectively by members of the community.
It’s been a while since we were part of a 'gotong royong'. Even then,
gotong royong to us means picking up litter at school compound.
Awesome isn't it?
Recently, on the 12th of October, Sandakan aviation communities teamed up together to have our very own 'gotong royong'.
The event was hugely successful as everyone worked together
to clean up the place and provide for a better environment for all.
A great deal of education was also imparted as all the participants observed how effective team work can get.
This is so not Leaning Tower of Pisa. |
A little discussion on handling the clean-up. |
Part of the gears||Both Mr Nazlee Khan and Mr Yazid Hilmi with their trash bags. |
Strong men from MAB AVSEC ~ You guys rock that day. |
FOD FOD FOD || That is our main task. Pick it up ~ |
Mr Nazlee Khan is amazed with Kak Pah from Information Counter. |
We recognize that aircraft.. ~ |
We started by cleaning the outdoors by removing withered trees and dead leaves.
Little stones. Dead leaves. Little stones. Dead leaves. |
Line up guys. Don your apron now ~ |
From left : Mr Thomas (Sabah Air), Mr Johan (Sabah Air) and Mr Rahman (AVSEC) |
Pose by Mr Johan (Sabah Air). Taken at apron. |
We never thought we could be so freely moving around at the apron. Pretty amazing experience. |
We found cell phone. This is so not happening || Well, this is a prank photo really. |
After all possible cleanings have been done, all the rubbish are packed and were took to proper disposal.
From left : Mr Suratman (DO MAB), Mr Yazid (DCA), Mr Nazlee Khan (DCA) and Mr Mahaddie (DCA). |
We kinda like this angle. Shall approach airliners.net |
Wow, that's the closest caption we could get from the tail section. Brilliant. |
Mr Mahaddie : Welcome to the family. |
Engine section of Malaysia Airlines B737-400. |
The one and only Haji Yassin (DCA). |
It looks nice though ~ |
The 'akak akak' from MAB. |
Shot of Sandakan Air Asia ground staff. |
This is so not Gangnam style. Euww. |
Met this guys before. Gazillion times. Mr Rahim from AVSEC. |
Photo with the epic aircraft of DC-3 at Sandakan. Still flying though. It gets tough by days. |
Air Asia ladies. Always in chilli red. |
Briefing by the one and only, Mr Awang Mali (Sandakan Airport Manager). |
A very delightful 'delite' drinks. |
This is really post event feast. |
Members taking their breakfast. |
It's 'makan' time... |
Mr Shafri (DCA) with Electrician from MAB. |
Sound system. Check out the speakers. |
Why are you guys at the apron? |
Whatt.. Poco poco dance at apron. This is so not happening. |
Apparently, Ziela from DCA led the dance. Apron turned into dance floor. |
No gangnam? Hellooo~ |
We had a group photo of all agencies involved. This is so memorable and gonna stick in our hearts forever.
Group photo ~ |
Together We Strive For Humanity And For All.
Till then, see ya ~