Familiarisation Flight With 9M-AWD

On 18th November 2010, two Sandakan Air Traffic Controller embarked to Tawau with 9M-AWD B206. The historical journey took event as part of familiarisation process of Sandakan southern significant points for VFR flights. The two ATCs are En. Suhaili Bin Abdul Rahman  and En. Shamsudin Noor Bin Kadir.

As part of the program, the ATCs are flown at lane which is normally used by pilots for navigation purposes and this at least gives some hints what pilots are facing when they fly. The explanation goes roughly about weather, altitude and mechanical parts of helicopter. These informations are really needed for ATCs alike.

At Tawau Control Tower, ATCs are briefed on radar operation and the positioning by Mr Isa Amat Shah and Mr Winston. However the radar is not fully commissioned yet. As Sandakan Approach/Aerodrome is still running on procedural, the information gathered from Tawau Approach is very useful.

Attached are photos taken during the program.

Are We Crazy/Problematic/Mentally Ill/IDisturbed People?

Referring to the statement above...are you feeling


or just...

feeling like hitting the frog?

or maybe...

feeling angry?

LOL...but...seriously guys

Something to ponder about?


Enough with the introduction, now let us go to the business.

On the 10th of November 2010, an entourage of official from DCA HQ Putrajaya and Region II DCA HQ visited DCA Sandakan to deliver simple talk regarding psychology. The talk was given by Madam Anjelina a/p Maria Joseph. She was accompanied  by Mr. Sio Yew Hua (Region II Deputy Director) and Mr. Bangau.

Attached here are the photos during the talk.

1.Morning session.

Madam Anjelina giving the "talk"

Answering the Personalities Test

Explaining the result to us 

Mr Amir and Mr Bangau

Why are these two people laughing? Crazy?

Slide show to add 'Umph' to the talk

Discussion among the staffs

After the morning session, we went to Zakaria's Restaurant to have our lunch...yum,yum.
Joining us at time that were Mr. George (Tawau DCA Manager) and Mr Latif.

Here are some photos during our lunch time

So many people...almost cause little tsunami to the restaurant owner...LOL

Eat-eat time.

Madam Anjelina: What are these two people doing?

The 'Top Gun'

Always together

Enjoying the food...fantastico!

Last but not least...a crowd pleaser...candid shots time...

Mr Ramisham AKA Mr Sabah enjoying the prawn to the max

These two people didn't have the chance to pose

Thinking of future: looking afar

After lunch, we went back to the office to resume the next part of the talk by answering this:

After discussing the result of the test, next was the ''one on one'' session with Mdm Anjelina. Sorry guys, the participant/s and the content of their session cannot be disclosed here...confidential.

The entourage rushed back for Kota Kinabalu with MWG3094 after saying goodbye with the staffs.

As a conclusion, the talk opened up our perception on the role of counseling by professional. It is not something that we all should be afraid of but should be encouraged to attend the session. Hopefully, in the near future there would one councilor for each station.

Sandakan's Profieciency Check Year 2010

Due to the requirement set by the Inspectorate Division, Sandakan's DCA has conducted a proficiency check for it's controllers (excluding  for those who just passed their validation check) in the month of November.
Attached here are the pictures of Sandakan's best looking controller/model (En. Amir Hamzah) in action (proficiency check) for your  pleasure (hehehe).

e-Penyata Gaji & Laporan

I've been told by someone, there's new application for us to see and download our payslip direct from the internet. Maybe some of us already knew and use it. For those who don't know, i will share with you how it works.

First, you must log on to Jabatan Akauntan Negara's website at http://www.anm.gov.my

On your top left hand side, below 'Perkhidmatan Online' tab, choose 'e-Penyata Gaji & Laporan'. Click and choose 'Akses Sistem'. Windows as stated below will appear. As usual, please click 'First Time Registration' if you don't have the account yet.

After log in, please click 'My Payslip' under 'Payslip' bar. Then choose any month desired of your payslip.

Enjoy the application. It is very easy and useful.  I heard after this, there is no more physical payslip for us. We must download it from the internet. I'm not sure. Better check with your department.

Visit by Sg Anib 2 School, Sandakan

On 1st November 2010, a special visit was made by primary students of Sg Anib 2 School to DCASandakan. The 40 strength boys and girls were really excited during briefing and we could see how eager they were when they were brought up to Sandakan Control Tower. 

To all boys and girls, we wish you guys a very promising future and we hope that some of you could join us and be part of large family. As a token of advice from us, we hope you guys will study hard, be pragmatic, opens your mind to all possibilities and be an international player.

Attached are photos taken during the visit. Voila !!